Monday, January 4, 2010

Granite Meets Concretion, 2005

In recent years January has become the time that the Foundation President has made an annual swing through the northeast part of the Sunflower State.  Back in 2005 he made contact with two of the state's more interesting boulders - literally.

January 17, 2005 - An excellent day of lying around and exchanging glacial anecdotes with the granite Founders Rock in Robinson Park, Lawrence, Kansas.

January 18, 2005 - A red letter day in the history of the geology and geography of Kansas.  Our esteemed president sits on the McLouth Boulder until finally it agrees to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Rural Kansas "Rocks" Foundation, a position it now refuses to budge from. 

The granite boulder, left behind when the last ice sheet withdrew from Northeast Kansas, can be found right in the middle of what is now Granite Street in the city of McLouth, Kansas.  The citizens there once tried to remove the boulder, but gave up and instead just paved the street around it.  A must see for all Kansas Explorers!

January 19, 2005 - The Foundation President caught partying a little too hardy during a two-day Rural Leaders Retreat at the Barn Bed & Breakfast at Valley Fall, Kansas.  The Experts are still divided over whether rocks can actually acquire a hangover.  If so, then it should take Harpo literally years to shake off the effects.  Perhaps "shake" is the wrong word.  At any rate, it would explain the eternal glower amid his usual sunny disposition. 

Just part of the price of existing in the human world.

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